Manpower Kosova


Rreth Manpower Kosova


We care about people and the role that a job plays in their lives. We respect people as individuals, we trust, support, and enable them to achieve their goals both in business and in life.
We help people develop their careers through planning, work, coaching and training.
We recognize everyone’s contribution to our success – our employees, our clients and candidates. We encourage them and reward success.


We share our knowledge, expertise, and resources, so that everyone understands what is important now and what the next happenings in the labor market – and get the best way to react.
We actively listen and act according to this information in order to improve our relationships, solutions and services.


Based on the understanding of the world of employment, we are actively developing and adopting best practices around the world. We are leaders in the labor market. We dare to be innovative, to be pioneers and to develop.
We do not accept status quo. We constantly review the norms to find an even better way to do business.
We are developing our entrepreneurial spirit as well as the speed of response; We take risks, knowing that we will not always succeed, but never expose our clients to risks.

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